© Cayce Pollard. All rights reserved.

Pure heart and soul. That's how you can best describe Hobo Cane. Born as Javier Alberto Mendoza in the state of Virginia to a Spanish mother and Mexican/American father, Javier's love for music burned bright from a young age. He started his musical career joining Warner-Chappell as a staff writer in Miami, FL. There he spent his time writing tunes for mega pop sensations such as Enrique Iglesias, Juan David, Ricky Martin, Rosario and more. The ever-winding path of life took him to Saint Louis: City of Miles Davis, Tina Turner and Chuck Berry, where he saw musical success with his new following. In 2014 Mendoza moved to Music City, Nashville, TN where he is embarking on a project as Hobo Cane.Soon after the release of his new album "El Jardín" in late 2019, COVID hit and, like everyone else, was confined to his home. From home he wrote an instrumental piece called "Respira". Where he had over 20 musicians play remotely from their confinement all around the world, raising money for many out of work musicians.Javier believes in the true power of real, from the heart, human created music. Although some of his music can be found in multiple streaming platforms, Javier has begun his own Patreon Platform Subscription in order to continue recording and performing music and truly connect with those fans that believe in the art of true art creation. To find out more how to get involved... visit patreon.com/hobocanemusicHobo Cane has released four albums under his new artistic name and many others under Javier Mendoza Band, and other projects. He will be fully releasing his new record "Tinta y Papel" this Spring.
Book Hobo Cane for Festivals, Venues or House Concerts. Javier performs solo, duo or with a band.
NOTE: Hobo Cane is an original singer-songwriter.Although he does perform many amazing and personalized covers, HC is not a cover artist/band.
Join my Patreon and be fully connected to all my projects and contribute to my music
Javier Mendoza is HOBO CANE

Hobo Cane is an innovative force in the music scene and has been captivating audiences with hi unique Transnational sound and powerful performances. Although born in Fairfax, VA, as a military brat he traveled the world living in Spain and Germany as well as many cities in the US. Hobo Cane began his musical journey when he signed a publishing deal with Warner-Chappell (Miami Division), where he was a staff writer for artists such as Ricky Martin and Enrique Iglesias, to name a few. However, his rich and diverse background always tagged him as "too Anglo for Latin" and "too Latin for Anglo". However, it is this richness that makes his performance a true musical journey. Drawing inspiration from diverse genres including Soul, Rock, Pop, Folk and Latin, Hobo Cane creates a distinct and compelling sound.In addition to his solo work, Hobo Cane has collaborated with Chris Carrabba (Dashboard Confessional), Matthew Odmark (Jars of Clay), Matthew Perryman Jones and has shared the stage with artists such as Willy Nelson, Los Lobos, Duran Duran, Blues Traveler and more.
He has received many local and national awards such as: Best Rock and World Music by River Front Times in St. Louis, MO. Spotlight Artist by Lighting 100 Radio in Nashville, TN, he also received a Telly for Best Sound Track in the documentary The Forsaken and was finalist in the Independent Music Awards in 2007, to name some.With an ever growing fanbase and a series of fantastic releases, Hobo Cane continues to evolve and innovate. His latest two projects "Who Do You Love ", "Tinta y Papel" showcases his growth as a recording and his unwaivering dedication to his craft. Whether in the studio, or on stage, Hobo Cane's passion of music is undeniable.

Concert Highlights
Hobo Cane has performed in over 500 venues around the world. Here are some major highlights:
• Sammy Gagar's Cabo Wabo - Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
• The Metro Theater - Chicago, IL
• The Fox Theater - Boulder, CO
• Teatro El Alfil - Madrid, Spain
• University of The Americas - Athens, Greece
• The Pageant - St. Louis, MO
• The Phillmore - Charlotte, NC
• The Basement - Nashville, TN
• The Newport Music Hall - Columbus, OH
• Richies - Munich, GA
and has performed in over 50 music festivals around the country.
Has Opened for:
Willy Nelson, Chuck Berry, The Corrs, Vertical Horizon, Los Lobos, Blues Traveller, Everclear, Santana, Ziggy Marley, The Calling, Michael W Smith, Jars of Clay, Duran Duran, Idina Menzel and more.

No sé como decirte nena
Que lo nuestro ya acabó
Y por eso huyo en las tinieblas
Para evitar el adiós
Por lugares desconocidos
No sabrías como vivir
Bajo puentes desolados
No es sitio para ti
Pero guardaré
El recuerdo de un ayer
Te llevaré
Por las calles
En mi mente
Nena cuídate
Firmé la carta
Y me marché
Con un adiós
Sellé el pasado
Y en mi alma llevaré su corazón
Algún día me olvidarás
Y alguien mejor encontrarás
La aventura termina aquí
Soy un vagabundo sin tesoros
No sabría hacerte feliz
Somos de dos mundos tan distintos
El tuyo nunca comprendíLLUVIAS EN ABRIL
Le da vueltas
A lo que pudo ser
Pero nada más pudo hacer
Triste y sola
Se harta de llorar
Pero volverá a levantar
Para empezar una nueva vida
Antes hay que llorar
Triste final
Rompe el alma en el momento
Pero todo siempre lo cura el tiempo
Lluvias en abril
Vuelven a caer
Lluvias en abril
Lluvia llévame
Lluvias en abril
Borran las huellas
Lluvias en abril
Hacen olvidar
Aunque es fuerte
Le derrota la emoción
Pero ya se levantó
De sus labios
Una sonrisa nace
Y las lluvias caen otra vez
El pasado
Los días lleva contados
Dispuesta a luchar
Se apodera del momento
Y echa lágrimas al vientoTINTA Y PAPEL
En busca de palabras
Surco las páginas
Que sabios y poetas
Lograron pensar
Perdido en la prosa
De genios sin igual
Buscando una respuesta
A misterios sin contestar
Hoja tras hoja pervierte mi mente
Y cada obra me tienta y me ahoga
Bajo su vida pone su firma
Escrito en aquellos libros
Hay mucho más que tinta y papel
Metáforas sobre unas tierras
Y de mujeres que no existen
Filosofías que ellos crearon
Imágenes que aún no ven
Revivo cada instante
Pues sus letras marcan sus pies
Heroes de mentes abiertas
Diablos del que no leeON TOP OF THE WORLD
Sleeping under the moonlight
Waking on top of the world
Sleeping under the moonlight
Waking on top of the world
They say I'm wasting my life
Roaming different towns
They say sleeping under
The stars ain't civilized
Well, frankly neither is working
To make life worth living
‘Cause living is worth while
If you stop to feel
Oh feel it now
Sleeping under the moonlight
Waking on top of the world
Sleeping under the moonlight
Waking on top of the world
The trees are swaying back & forth
To the rhythm of the wind
That blows all inhibitions away
The key to having good things to say is to listen
& there's so much around you
To be heard if you stay
Don't trap your soul
Inside a structure
Let it run so free but follow it close
The things you may find
May scare you a little
But fear can't compare to the pain
Of never knowing the unknown
En lo alto del mundoACORRALADO
Recibí su mensaje
Al llegar de trabajar
Su voz sonaba débil
Y algo agitada
Reúnete conmigo en el bar
Quiero hablar contigo
Me aseguró con una risa
Que no pasaba nada
Me vestí a prisa
Y salí algo preocupado
En aquel momento recordé mi situación
Me aterrorizó su expresión
Al otro lado de la barra
Un falso movimiento
Acabaría esta relación
Cómo pudiste haberlo averiguado
Si tuve siempre tanto cuidado
Cómo pudiste haberlo averiguado
Mis mentiras me acorralaron
Me invitó a una cerveza fría
Pero no tanto como su mirada
Me preguntó que dónde estuve
La noche anterior
Buscaba las palabras
“Qué decir”
Con mis amigos pasé toda la velada
De pronto gritó “Ya llegó”
Oí sus pasos
No puede ser
A mi lado se sentó
Era ella, MaldiciónME HE ENAMORADO
Como una flor cuando gira hacia el sol
Como una llama cuando ofrece su calor
Este romance siempre será fiel
Yo jamás te dejaré
Si llevas el corazón en puño mírame
Si bajo el lucero del alba hay dudas escúchame
Me he enamorado de ti
Me he enamorado así
Como una ola cuando se rompe
Como una hoja cuando en otoño cae
Cuando caigas yo te pondré en pie
Y en la lluvia amarga te consolaréEN BUSCA DE TI
La cabeza me da vueltas
Tal vez debería dejar de pensar
En tantas metas que alcanzar
El amanecer me debe de bastar
Cuando creo llegar adonde voy a ser feliz
Me doy la vuelta
Y veo entre el cielo y el horizonte
Nuevos sueños que conquistar
En busca de ti voy
Seguiré abriendo las puertas
Dicen que sólo eres un mito
Si es cierto dime de dónde viene tu fuerza
Detrás del párpado te encuentro
Y al final del pasillo oigo tus pasos al caminar
Pero no estás
Sólo oigo tu respirar
Como luna llena guarda la noche
Guardo tu fantasma en mi mente
Pero me miente
Porque sigues sin aparecer
Me destruyes como el frío a una rosa
Ambiciosa, infinita
Tú a mí siempre me dominas
Despierto con sudor en la frente
Cuando creo en lo que dice la gente de ti
Pero tú me haces vivir
Tú me haces sentirDOWN
Whisky bottle speaks the truth
when I let it go down smooth
Sour faces spoil the mood
and it’s all because of you
Walk away,
Walk away
Walk away from it all
Sneak underneath the ground
Just in case I fall
Rather be in another place
where I won’t see the light
Where people walk away
with their faces tucked inside
Fall down
Fall down
Fall down to my knees
Stay close to the ground
just in case I sink down
Tierras melancólicas
Enterráis el pasado
Bajo cientos de años
De pisotones de invasores
Torreones que en su día
Sosegaron la desazón del patriota
Dictado y dominado
Por leyes extranjeras
Llévame, llévame
Quiero seguir recorriendo
Los blancos pueblos
Los campos sedientos
Llévame, llévame
Quiero seguir bebiendo de la fuente
De este mundo enterrado bajo el cielo
Los olivos se esparcen
Marcando cada etapa
Del trayecto
Y a lo largo de la vía
La hierba se tuesta por el sol
Y el cielo desnudo y limpio
Marca la silueta de las montañas
Que visten a rayas ante el calor
Sólo el AVE en el que monto
Me devuelve al tiempo en el que vivo
Tren perfecto y a la misma vez maldito
Por interrumpir la siesta De estas tierrasDIME LUNA
Dime luna llena
Si crees que me equivoqué
Me pregunto si ella ahora
También te podrá ver
Bien sabes que lo nuestro mal acabó
Y aunque no me arrepiento aún siento adentro
El punzante dolor
Y sé que el tiempo cicatriza el daño
Pero no logró olvidar
Mis heridas ahora están sangrando
Pierdo fuerza al derramar
Y los ríos ahora están parados
Perdieron su dirección
Y yo aquí desamparado
Traicionado por mi traición
Oye luna llena dile de mi parte
Que aún la quiero
Ahora intento recordar por qué
Por qué diablos la abandoné
No sé si fue el miedo al amor
O el aroma de otra mujer
Luna sabes que empiezo a creer
Que sí me equivoqué
Y aunque dije
Que no me arrepentiría nunca
Ahora no lo séSHINING ON YOU
Am I used to this situation
Am I used to being with you
But I can’t imagine my life without you
Am I just afraid to try
Maybe I’m just thinking too much
Maybe I’m not loving enough
I gotta stop thinking
What are you gonna do
When the sun ain’t shining on you
What are you gonna say
When it’s all been said before
Can we forget about tomorrow tonight
Can we say for a minute everything’s alright
Should we take the time to come out of the dark
The more we stay together the more we break apart
Maybe I’m just thinking too much
Maybe I’m not loving enough
I gotta stop thinking
Love went away and left us two
Time took the passion and left a friend in me and you
Can’t say I’ll ever understand what went wrong
But it’s too late for excuses
So don’t look back (don’t look back) anymore (anymore)BAJO LAS SÁBANAS
Por las nubes caminan
Dos personas rozando el amor
Y cuando silencio cubra su piel
La abrazaré por última vez
Quiéreme bajo las sábanas
Y yo me iré si no apago tu sed
Doo doo um doo
Doo doo um doo doo
Palabras que uno maldijo
En el desnudo todo se olvidó
Y te diré adiós al amanecer
Al menos que no acabe esta noche
Ámame por última vez
Ámame y quédate esta vezMIEDO
Un infierno me quiere atrapar
Me traga y me escupe
Sin piedad
Quiero correr
Pero no puedo escapar
Me engancha a sus llamas
Y me chupa la vida
El miedo es él
Miedo a saber
Miedo a querer
El miedo es él
Miedo a morir
Miedo a vivir
Sólo sabe negociar
Con trampas y mentiras
Logra ganar
Fuerza inútil malgasta
Te sigue y persigue
Intentándote apagarAQUEL CAMINO
Llevo una eternidad buscando el camino
Un sendero oscuro, roto y prohibido
Pero al andar
Mis pies cada vez me pesan más
Y no descanso por miedo a quedarme atrás
Y aunque tropiezo en cada roca
Una voz cansada y ronca
De tanto refutar dice
No he llegado aún
A veces nado contra la corriente
Y siento los cardos clavándose en mi vientre
La incertidumbre administra su veneno
Un constante ruido atormenta mi cerebro
Y entre el disgusto se me antoja llorar
Y ante el altar me despojo de mis penas
Y vuelvo a levantar porque
No he llegado aún
Los temores siempre te atrapan
Y las sombras te engañan
Y ante mi testigo vuelvo a contestar
Llegaré adonde
No he llegado aún
I don’t know how to tell you baby
What we had is over
And I escape in the darkness
To avoid saying goodbye
You’d never be happy
where I plan to go
Under bridges, in the cold
far away from home
But I will keep you close
In the memories
You’ll be there with me
Through the streets in my mind
Take care of yourself
I signed the letter and left
Farewell I sealed the past
And in my soul I will carry your heart
Someday you will forget about me
And you will find somebody else
The adventure ends here
I’m a wanderer. I own nothing
I wouldn’t know how to make you happy
We’re from two different worlds
And yours was not meant for meAPRIL RAINS
She goes round and round
What could have been
But she had nothing else to give
Sad and lonely
She cries herself to sleep
But she will rise again
Before you can start again
The tears must fall
Sad endings break the soul
But time heals all wounds
April rains
Fall again
April rains
Carry me away
April rains
Take away the pain
April rains
Help me forget
Though she’s strong
She weakens by the fall
But she gets back up again
From her lips a smile is born
And the rains fall once more
The past will soon fade away
Ready to fight she takes hold of herself
And tosses the pain to the windINK AND PAPER
In search of words
I sail through the pages
Though up by wisemen
and poets
Lost in prose
Written by unmatched
Searching for answers
To unanswered mysteries
Page after page infects my mind
And every page is a temptation
That holds my breath
Beneath their lives
They sign their name
Written in those books
There is so much more
Than ink and paper
Metaphors about places
And women who don’t exist
Philosophies that they created
Images that they yet cannot see
I relive every instant
Through their words you see their lives
Heroes to the open mind
Demons who don’t read or writeCORNERED
I got her message when I came home from work
Her voice was faint and somewhat agitated
Meet me at the bar
We need to talk, she said
She assured me with a laugh
That nothing was wrong
I changed and walked out the door
I was worried, then I realized what could be wrong
From the other side of the bar
Her stare chilled my bones
Any mistake I make will seal the end
How could you have known?
I was always so careful
How could you have known?
I was cornered by my lies
I got you a beer but not as cold as your eyes
You asked where I was last night
I leaned towards you, what will I say
I was with my friends all night
Suddenly you shouted, “She’s here”
I heard her foot steps behind me, “It can’t be”
She sat down next to me, it was her
Damn! How could you have known?I’VE FALLEN IN LOVE
Like a flower that turns to the sun
Like a flame that brings you warmth
I will always be faithful to you
I will never leave you
If you are afraid look at me
If under the moonlight you have second thoughts
Listen to what I say
I have fallen in love with you
Like a wave in the ocean when it breaks
Like the leaves when they fall from the trees
When you fall I will pick you up
And in the bitter rain I will comfort youIN SEARCH OF YOU
My head is spinning
Maybe I’m thinking too much
About so many goals to reach
Looking forward to tomorrow
Should be more than enough for me
When I think I have enough
I turn around and see
Between the sky and the horizon
So much more that I could be
I’m in search of you
I’ll keep opening the doors
They say you are not real
If that is true
Where does all your power come from?
You are in every blink of an eye
And in the halls I hear you walk
But you’re not there
I can only feel you breathing
Like the full moon guards the night
I guard your soul in my mind
But it lies to me
Because you still don’t appear
Betrayer, liar
You destroy me like the cold kills a flower
Ambitious, infinite
You always find a way to control me
I wake up with sweating
If I believe what people think of you
But you help me live
You help me feelEARTH UNDER THE SKY
Lands filled with sadness
You bury the past
Under centuries of old
Trampled by invaders
Towers that once
comforted the weary heart
Of the patriot
Dictated and dominated
By foreign laws
Take me, carry me
I want to keep on moving
Through the white villages
And dry lands
Take me, carry me
I want to keep drinking
From the fountain
In this world buried under the sky
The olive trees mark each step of the way
Along the tracks the grass burns from the sun
The clean and naked sky traces the silhouette
Of the mountains that dress in stripes
In the southern heat
Only this modern train (AVE)
Brings me back to the present
Perfect train
But also cursed
For intruding on the slumber of these landsMOON, SPEAK TO ME
Tell me full moon
Have I made a mistake?
Can she see you like I do
You know that we ended badly
And though I don’t regret it
I still feel the pain
And I know that time scars the pain
But I can’t seem to forget
My wounds spill blood
I’m weaker the more I bleed
And the rivers are still
They don’t know where to go
And I stand here in despair
Betrayed by my betrayal
Full moon if you see her
Tell her that I still love her
Now I can’t remember
Why I left
Was it fear of love?
Or the scent of another woman
Dear moon I’m beginning to think
That I’ve made a grave mistake
And though I said that I would never regret it
Now I’m not sure of anything anymoreUNDER THE COVERS
They walk on the clouds
Two coming close to love
And when silence covers her skin
I will hold her one last time
Love me under the covers
And I will leave
If I can’t satisfy you
All the fighting words
Disappear in the nude
And in the morning I will leave
Unless this night never ends
Love me
And stay this timeFEAR
I’m trapped by a hell inside
It swallows me and spits me out without mercy
I want to run but I can’t escape
It grabs on with its flames
And sucks away my life
Fear is his name
Afraid to know
Afraid to love
Fear is his name
Afraid to die
Afraid to live
It negotiates
With lies and deceit
Fear will win every time
It uses up wasted energy
It follows you, chases you
It will wear you downTHE WAY
I’ve been searching for the road all my life
A broken, and forbidden dark path
But as I walk
My feet become heavy with each step
And I don’t rest
In fear of falling behind
And though I stumble on every rock
A tired and faint voice
From so much refute
Says, “You are not there yet”
Sometimes I swim against the current
And I feel the thorns piercing at my gut
The uncertainty delivers its poison
A constant noise torments my brain
And with each misfortune
I feel like crying
And before the altar
I let go of my sadness
And I get up again
Because, “I’m not there yet”
Fear always traps me
And the shadows betray me
And before my witness I answer back
I will arrive someday but, “I’m not there yet”

I’ve been thinking about you lately
I don’t really know what to say
I’ve been searching inside for words
And feelings that will help explain
Can I ask you a few more questions
Do you try to ignore to pain
Will you bend if your pride is wounded
Or destroy what still remains
Are you really trying or waiting for an excuse
If we’re still in this together
hold on to me better today
All I want is to know the answers
You have nothing to defend
But the reasons you give don’t add up
When you hurt me in the end
Can’t you see we’re in this together
If you break, I will bleed
The true meaning of forgiveness
Stares at you when you leave
I still want to understand your point of view
But I can’t listen when you’re screaming
Hold on to me better
Today I become love, I won’t be numb
To anything you say, Don’t hold back now
I won’t let you drown, If you don’t look away
I’d die for you, If you only knew
I don’t know if it’s too late, I won’t surrender
I’m not the pretender, You once knew yesterday
Now I sit here by the window
Watching my breath stain the glass
It’s a sign that I’m still breathing
Oh I miss you but I’m not sad anymore
I still hold on to the dream you han
But now I know it’s only worth it
When you’re truly certain
Now we start all over
this time I won’t be fooled
Today is all up to youDEAR SON
Father will you hold my hand
Help me understand the world we are living in
Show me the sweet things
The good times the working man
Show me love is best when you let go
Dear son Let me put you on my shoulders
Walk with you as you get older
All the days till I’m gone
Dear son, Take your time so you don’t wander
I will guide you till you’re stronger
Any time you call…Dear son
Father, When I look into your eyes
My fears fade away
When I need you provide
You’re my friend
My brave giant
Every time you hear me crying
You say tears make you grow
So don’t hold back anymore
When it all falls apart
And life taints your heart
Don’t turn away
It don’t rain every day
Be gracious, courageous
Find greatness in yourself
Be humble and determined
Find good in someone else
When you grow up Remember
To live without surrender
All your days when I’m gone
Dear son
When it’s time for you to fly
I will stand and say goodbye
I’ll always be near byJADED
There’s a hole in my heart
You dug on a Sunday
Now I’m bleeding on a Monday afternoon
And the pain don’t stop
Don’t know who to blame
But you took away the sunrise
On a perfect morning
You left without a warning
And now I’m drunk on blues
I’m headline news
Jaded a fool
You wrote it on a post it note
Maybe I don’t love you like I did before
You ripped the laughter from my days
It cut through me like a rusted blade
My friends don’t understand
They say that evil woman’s damned
But I met her on the other side
She was heaven even when she lied
Jaded a fool
I’m a ghost when I walk the pavement
My neon sign says my soul is vacant
I’m broken now but i’m on the mend
I will fix my life again
Jaded a foolWHO DO YOU LOVE
Wipe the tears from your eyes
Stroke your hair to the side
I’ve done this a thousand times
thousand more & a thousand more Until I die
See you undress in the light
Feel your breath as it touches mine
I’ve done this a million times
And a million more and a million more Until it’s right
Is it chance or by design
Are we damned or just in time
If it hurts it’s true divine
But if we’re wrong
Stay the night
Who do you love
See you laugh across the room
Spend together a rainy afternoon
I’ve been there so many times
But you’re not here
And it’s unclear if you’re mine
Is it chance or by design
Are we damned or just in time
If it hurts it’s true divine
But if we’re wrong
Stay the night
Who do you love
You walk away and shut the door
Don’t you care anymore?
Who do you loveLOVE’S KINGDOM
There’s a place down south
Where Black folk cried out
so the white hoods came
gotta stake their claim
But They won’t back down
burnt down mount Zion
To awake the lion
loud word freedom cried
And the demons, denied
They won’t back down
They’ll try to break you down
when you think out loud
if what is right is true
you can break on through
When love’s kingdom comes
it all will be done
don't be your father's son
It just takes one
Three souls conviction
On hero’s mission
Liberation, truth
Where no would
They won’t back down
Hate came like thunder
to break hope asunder
with liquor in their veins
and killing in the brain
They don’t back down
They sang with fire
Led by the devil’s choir
on an empty road
the boys’ fate unfolds
The three stood in silence like trinity’s defiance
slained by the gun, they dropped one by one
Buried in an earthen dam, By the wicked klan
The three boys were found, Near the guilty town
but their voices shouted
they’ll never be bounded
When love’s kingdom comes
it all will be done
don't be your father's son
It just takes oneCRAZY FOR YOU
The reasons escape me but feelings remain
I’ve never been good at explaining my brain
You accept me when you don’t understand
That my heart stops when you hold my hand
I don’t tell you enough but baby I do
I’ve always felt actions speak louder for two
And your eyes forgive every time you’re upset
I like you so much I just sometimes forget that I'm crazy
Crazy for you
I laugh when you smile and I scream when you cry
Whatever you feel I feel twice inside
And you listen but sometimes it’s hard to tell
If I’m breaking your heart or I’m loving you well
I realize I contradict so much
When I know what I want I soon lose my touch
You’re the blinding headlights in my heart
You guide the way you’re my lucky star
Here we are you and I
Alone for once no kids in sight
Lost in your stare don’t you dare moveCOME BACK TO ME
Like the first light of the sunshine
On the first day of the spring time
That’s what you do to me
And like you I don’t understand
Why a man don’t see love while he can
Until it’s just a too late
But Now I know loves the only reason
I guess it’s just that change of the season
Will you come back, don’t be like that
I swear our love will forever last
Babe I’ve changed come back to me
Cuz I’ve been wasted ,
Hating, dying only feel like crying
Since you walked out on me
Babe I admitted when you’re with him I can’t bare it
You were always meant for me
So lose that jell back, love hack hit the road jack
I’m begging on my knees
I’m no prince in shining armor
but I will make you smile forever longer
I’m turned inside out
Can’t do without you
Love is the only way Now I know
I’m not the same
Time chips away
At all the stupid pride
I’ll never leave your side again
One more chance pleaseOLD FLAME
Well hello old flame,
What's in a name?
A minute, or an hour
Or a year?
I ain't seen your face
And I stayed out of this place
But now I'm back,
And we're here again my dear
Time keeps moving round in circles.
And that old dog is still chasing his tail.
You were in my rearview mirror.
But things could never stay that way.
Well you know you fooled me once,
But you'll never fool me twice.
Third times a charm
Or so I hear
Maybe now I'll stick around,
And try not to let you down
What's a promise
In the face of all my fears?
Well hello old flame
Is it me you wanna blame
I’m here flesh and blood
I’m moving on. This place is cold
Now that you’re gone I got to…
Start again. This ain’t the end
A new dawning age is ahead.
I’m not afraid, ‘cause all that dies will rise again
I’m pushing’ through. I won’t pretend
I sometimes lose faith in this world
But I’m still alive. And all I know is to survive
There’s got to be some way out of here
But if my time will pass me by
And all that’s left is a hole inside
Get back inside my head/heart
It’s only worth being alive
If you can hear your soul cry
Get back inside my head/heart
The sun is out. Feels like spring
I can feel the cool breeze
Blowing now. It feels like old
I must be moving on
Can’t slow down
You never know what’s coming aroundGIVE A LITTLE LOVE
Funny how the world keeps on turning
The bigger the power the pride the harder the fall
Maybe we’ve gone a little crazy
The less we talk to each other the truer the false
Give a little love
Throw away the hate
Take a little time
Build up what they break
Every piece of my heart
comes from making mistakes
Find someone to share
Share a bit of soul
Tell me that you care
Even when I don’t
Tell me what you feeling
You’re not alone
Money don’t make you all that lucky
The more you possess, the more you spend it alone
So honey stop being such a phony
The height of success ain’t measured by the People you know